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Skripsi PTK Improving Students Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text Using Narrative Video

Written By Unknown on Senin, 09 Desember 2013 | 23.05

Download Makalah | Skripsi PTK Improving Students Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text Using Narrative VideoAs an International language , English is very important in our daily life . Most electronic tools use English in their instructions , such as computer , rice cooker , washing machine , et cetera . It is very dangerous if those tools are used without its instruction being read . If someone wants to communicate with people from other countries , he should master English well . It is Because English is the language used in international communication . So , it is very important for people to learn English .Nowadays , English is one of the subjects, since that is taught in the elementary school until university and Examined in the national examination to Determine the students ' graduation . The provision that English is Examined in the final examination is stated in Regulation of the Minister of National Education Year XXXX Article 7, paragraph 1 , 2 , and 3 as follow :
  • Subjects UN SMA / MA Program IP A , includes : Indonesian , English , Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry , and Biology .
  • Subjects UN SMA / MA IPS program , includes : Indonesian , English , Mathematics , Economics , Sociology , and Geography
  • Subjects UN SMA / MA Language Program , includes : Indonesian , English , Mathematics , Foreign Languages ​​other taken , Cultural History / Anthropology , and Literature in Indonesia.
There are four playing skills in English : those are reading , listening, speaking , and writing . Reading and listening are called receptive skills , in the which people need the ability to receive written or spoken language when they do it .While speaking and writing skills are called productive Because when people do it , they need the ability to produce written or spoken language ( Harmer , 1998: 44 ) .Reading, the which belongs to a receptive skill , can be defined as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written ( Williams , 1999: 2 ) . It means that , when someone reads , he looks at something written and Tries to get the meaning to understand it . Reading can also be described as a mental or cognitive process in the which involves a reader trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer , who is distant in space and time ( Davies , 1995: 1 ) . It means reading activity that connects the reader and the writer although they are in different time and place ; for example reading an ancient book , reading a personal letter , et cetera .The reason for teaching reading to the students is Because It belongs to the basic language skills in English , just as important as speaking, listening , and writing . Besides , reading is closely related with other subjects . Most of the materials given by the teacher ( in English or other subjects ) are presented in written form , for example in handbook , handouts , et cetera . It means that to understand the materials , the students must have the ability to look at and get the meaning of written text , that is called reading skills . Because of that , reading is very important to be taught to the students .According to the researcher 's observation , the students ' reading skills of SMAN X was still low . They still had Difficulties in understanding the text . The texts roomates were taught in the first grade of Senior High School were descriptive , news items , and narrative . Based on the observation in the classroom and the interviews with the teacher and the students , the researcher found that they had Difficulties in narrative text.

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